Midas – free address office space

Changing the dynamic of office activity

Despite being one of the original office design firms in the Japanese market, Midas is an ever-growing and transforming company. Each project undertaken is a new strand of office DNA, a new factor in the logarithm of considering and reacting to the modern day employee’s needs, and stimulating their creativity via environment. Design as defined by Midas extends beyond appearances and color schemes, as it is a manifestation of unique office principles meant to encourage progressive change in the mediums and modes in which people work. This emphasis on “workstyle” forms the foundation for all projects Midas undertakes.

A representative concept pioneered in part by Midas is that of “Free Address”. This is a Japanese term, but basically means that employees have freedom to work where they please within the office, and moreover can take their work with them on any computer in the office by means of the cloud. This free address system works due to the diversity of workable areas in the Midas office: Large conference tables, 2 separate meeting rooms, a large forum space in the front room with small tables and chairs, sheltered rooms with just a few seats, counter seats near the window, and of course a standard desk area with a large computer. This means that employees can adjust their work station to the day’s needs, transforming the office into a dynamic work center.

Midas was featured in the Tokyo IT newspaper for their progressive response to the issue an article in the Tokyo IT newspaper featuring Midas free addressof coordinating incoming phone calls in the office. While this may not be an issue in traditional office structures which confine employees to a set location, Midas had the challenge of incorporating effective phone response within the free address system, and the solution couldn’t have been better:

Each employee has an iphone specifically for work related things, and can thus be reachable at any time, anywhere, in the office or out. Calls can of course be forwarded very easily from the main reception line with ease, allowing employees to minimize inefficiencies when dealing with phone inquiries whether they be in the office or out for sales or otherwise. Having employees all on the same smartphone network also allows free and unlimited calling. A small concrete example of a measure to streamline and refine work in the office in the modern day.

The new office design of Midas was also featured in the 6/28 issue of the Nikkan Industrial newspaper, which also recognized the efficiency of “free address”. Midas realized that communication between employees is a crucial factor in office success, but in order to actualize that communication, the free address system was embraced in the design.

Article on Midas in the Nikkan newspaper

The results have been largely positive, with information on clients and potential customers flowing free and unobstructed through the office when it is needed. It is a circular relationship that supports employee satisfaction which in turn leads to customer satisfaction, and of course ultimately company success, and back to employee satisfaction.

Midas has a special concern for their employees and makes sure that company success will also translate to employee benefits and happiness.