Nationality: American
Time Living in Japan: More than 6 years
Employer: TopTia Photography
Current Job Title: Business owner, photographer
Areas of Expertise: Photography, public speaking, volunteer work, cooking
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Asian Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Favorite Thing About Living in Japan: Japan is such a food paradise! From Sendai’s Gyutan to Matsuyama‘s sweet Taruto, it’s so easy to indulge in the visual and culinary delights even before taking that first bite!
Favorite Place to Visit in Japan: Enoshima in the summertime.
BIO: Tia Haygood is an American photographer with a demonstrated history of working in the photography industry. She’s skilled in taking Event photos, portraits, and also does product photography.
Tia’s main focus is to provide a visual catalyst to improve branding power for local artists and entrepreneurs in the Kanto area. Tia brings an abundant amount of energy and compassion to her photo shoots to put her models and clients at ease so they can enjoy the experience. She is currently working towards obtaining her certification in professional photography for both America and Japan. During her free time, she enjoys cooking new recipes and biking.
Recently Published Work

CEO Ruth Jarman and JI CORE 50 consultant John Houlahan enjoy roasted Dango Mochi rice cakes
Tia Haygood recently joined CEO Ruth Jarman and other JI CORE 50 members on a consulting trip to Oyama in Kanagawa prefecture.
As a well-traveled long-term Japanese resident, hotspot tourist areas can be crowded, done and dusted, and unappealing. The mountain town of Oyama in Kanagawa prefecture is located only one hour out of Tokyo on the Odayku line.
Oyama is a comfy, rustic town with a rich history and interesting culture. There are beautiful mountain trails for hikers to enjoy and a variety of healthy local foods such as delicious dishes featuring fresh vegetables and tofu.
An introduction to Noh theatre performance masks
Oyama is a historically significant area with strong ties to Enoshima, Kamakura, and even as far as Mt Fuji. Japan travelers can enjoy Oyama in various mediums in both English and Japanese.
After an active day of taking in the mountain views and the local shrines, travelers can relax at one of Oyama’s traditional Japanese Ryokans at the foot of the mountain. A trip to Oyama is highly recommended as an overnight trip or over a weekend.
All photos by Tia Haygood, TopTia Photography