Deep Japan – “Recruiting” Resources

A dynamic and varied team with a common origin

“In a multi-tenant building, close the the Recruit headquarters, 8 men and women gathered on an evening in May. The objective was to create a service for visitors to Japan. The result was Deep Japan, an all new business model”

A deep japan meeting with former recruit members posted in aera

Jarman International, along with Zeroin and the other Deep Japan associates were featured in the weekly periodical “Aera”, which focuses on hot topics in the world of Japanese economics and politics. The article focuses on the paths of various “graduates” of Recruit company, meaning they left Recruit to begin new business endeavors.

This trend is in slight contrast to the traditional world of Japanese business which idealized and encouraged loyalty to a single company for one’s entire working career. However in the modern day, and former recruit employees are embodying this concept, it is becoming more and more common to pursue projects external of one’s “day job”. These side projects in turn may become an entirely new business, and with the possibility to coordinate diverse skill sets becoming ever more streamlined, it is starting to make more and more sense to diverge from the traditional Japanese business model of loyalty to one company at one time.

Further supporting the idea of new ventures, the common attribute alone of having worked in Recruit brings former employees together under a stronger team mentality; aiming for the kind of success and monumental projects they grew accustomed to at Recruit. Recruit after all, was established 50 mituyoshi daijo former recruit member with jarman international and deep japanyears ago and has grown to have a total of 22,000 employees, with revenues reaching nearly 1.5 trillion yen. Something about the Recruit ancestry carries a special trust, and this is being utilized in various new ventures around Japan. Deep Japan was featured as a representative example of this trend within the world of Recruit “graduates”.




We’re really looking forward to making this project a success for everyone involved, including giving our Senpai authors an outlet for self-promotion and networking.