Jarman International donated to Tokyo English Lifeline (TELL) for a recent mental health event

For over 50 years, TELL has provided life-saving support and counseling services to Japan’s international community. The nonprofit organization helps address the country’s increasing need for mental health care services and combat the stigma around them. TELL relies entirely on its donors, volunteers, clinicians, etc., and Jarman International was honored to offer donations for one of their recent mental health events that addressed the issue of sexual violence through a panel discussion led by local experts, Q&A sessions, and interactive self-defense exercises.

Jarman International donated to Tokyo English Lifeline (TELL) for a recent mental health event

Jarman International CEO, Ruth Marie Jarman, reflects on her decision to support the event: “One of our JI Core 50 members who also happens to be from Hawaii like me, serves as Executive Director for TELL. I have supported this organization by volunteering, holding our annual TELL Hero Golf Cup at Eastwood Country Club in Utsunomiya (Tochigi Prefecture), etc., but when Royanne Doi presented this opportunity to us after she did an amazing speech on diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) for one of our clients, I felt this would be a perfect way to support her work. We look forward to continuing our efforts for TELL as this organization keeps making a difference in Japan to so many of us in the international community.” 

Furthermore, Royanne would like to share the following message with readers: “Sexual violence in Japan is a difficult but important topic. If you or someone you love needs support, please use the QR code below to view more resources, call the TELL Lifeline at 03-5774-0992 or chat with the Lifeline here. If you would like to support TELL’s mission, please consider donating. No amount is too small or too big.”

Jarman International donated to Tokyo English Lifeline (TELL) for a recent mental health event