Violet Pacileo

Nationality: British – Japanese
Time Living in Japan: More than 20 years
Employer:  VP Advisors K.K.
Current Job Title: CEO & CrossFit Affiliate Owner
Areas of Expertise: Finance, Business Management, Japanese Equities, Investing, ESG and Corporate Governance from an investment angle, Shareholder Rights, Investor Relations. Entrepreneurship, Rural Economic Development, Women’s Empowerment, Gender Equality, Unconscious Bias, Health & Fitness, Inbound Tourism, Elderly Fitness, Accommodation Business in Rural Japan, Rural Japan, Japanese Countryside
Education: BSc International Business and Economics, Aston University UK
Language Ability: Fluent in Japanese and English

Favorite Thing About Living in Japan: Public safety, low crime rate and untapped industries providing many business opportunities
Favorite Place to Visit in Japan: View from Kajigamori and Yutorisuto Park in Otoyo, Kochi and if lucky the dreamlike scenic sea of clouds below. Magnificent mountain valleys of Kochi, clear river waters of Yoshino and Myodo rivers, limestone dotted Kochi Karst grassland, snorkeling in Kashiwa island, visiting the calm waters of Seto Inland Sea and the many islands that rest within where you can find countless white sandy private beaches and crystal clear waters.

BIO: Violet is a seasoned finance professional with 15+ yrs working in Tokyo, London and LA for Japanese and international investment banks and asset managers. Her background is in Japanese equities where she spent her time selling Japanese stocks to institutional investors, researching and analyzing Japanese listed companies, introducing Japanese companies to foreign institutional investors, advising Japanese companies on their institutional investor strategies including ESG and corporate governance strategies and most recently consulted for a HK based hedge fund.

She relocated to the countryside in Kochi in Aug 2020 to promote economic development in the region, opening CrossFit Otoyo Strength, a mountain fitness retreat, in Sept 2020. She is of mixed heritage, born in Tokyo and raised in both Japan and the UK, giving her the advantage of connecting with Japanese speakers and English speakers on a native level. She has been a passionate advocate for women’s rights and became an Unconscious Bias trainer in 2021, lecturing at Kochi University and Kochi Prefecture Gender Equality Division.

Using her background in finance, she serves as independent board for Strategic Capital, an activist fund, based in Tokyo. Reporter for NHK World Journeys in Japan, specifically episodes focusing on reviving rural Japan.
