Sarah Nishina

Nationality: Australian
Time Living in Japan: 25 years

Areas of Expertise: Freelance writer, tour guide, social network administrator, tutor and networking guru.
Education: Adv Dip Canberra Institute of Technology, Australia – Hospitality Management Dip Ed Queensland University, Australia – International Education
Language Ability: English and Japanese

Favorite Thing About Living in Japan: Finding something new every day.
Favorite Place to Visit in Japan: Oh! a difficult question. I love every place I am in at the time – the people I meet, the food shared, the stories told, walking along new paths…..I would have to say riding my bike around Tokyo. I also love driving around the back roads of Aomori and enjoying the ocean down in Kyushu.

BIO: Sarah holds citizenship in both Australia and the United Kingdom. She has lived most of her adult life in Japan. She ran a successful educational institution for ten years at the bottom of Mt Fuji. She has extensive experience in international education, liaison work between Australian and overseas companies, cultural training both in Australia and Japan and as a consultant for Japanese companies setting up in Australia. She has a strong knowledge of Japan, it’s culture and people. She has dealt with clients from Russia, Korea, China, Thailand and Saudi Arabia in various roles.


NOTE – I am no longer in a wheelchair and have full capability.